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7 Weight-Loss Tips When Your Schedule Is Out of Whack

Losing weight isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most commonly cited health and fitness goals. A recent survey found

How to Reconnect with Nature Through Seasonal Living

Since the onset of the pandemic, many of us have made jokes about not remembering what month or season it is. The truth is that many of us have been disconnected from our natural world for much longer

Kid-Approved Vegan Eats

You know that eating a good mix of foods from the plant kingdom ensures kids get plenty of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytonutrients. You’re probably aware that children who are raised on a variet

Complexion Tips

The foods we eat play a role in how our skin looks. Nutrients in food can help support skin, allowing it to glow with beauty. It\'s true: we really are what we eat!The foods we eat play a role in how o

7 Non-Scale Fitness Goals That Go Beyond Weight Loss

According to the CDC National Health Survey, about half of all Americans try to lose weight at some point during a

The Long-Term Effects of Losing Weight, Even When You’re Young

When it comes to weight loss, many people set goals based on time frames — to lose one pound a week, for example o

Dietitians Shed Light on the Effectiveness of a DNA-based Diet

New companies such as DNA Fit, Vitagene and Profile are popping up promising to offer a personalized diet based on your individual genetic makeup. The idea behind it is you receive an at-home ki

Here’s What to Avoid Eating (and Drinking) the Week Before Your Wedding

With your wedding day right around the corner, you’re probably feeling a myriad of emotions—one of those, of